Friday, December 21, 2012

What Jeff Bezos' knows.

Hey bizspired minds! Just stumbled accross a great insider video that Jeff Bezos of made to enlighten viewers about what he knows about business.

Check it out (*grabs pen and paper*):


1. Obsess over customers. 
 - Pay attention to competition but keep your main focus on customers.

2. Invent 
- FreakinLoveThisx100. Such a cool concept. (Some of Jeff Bezos' 1st employees were actually math majors becuase he wanted to have the ability to solve any problem. Got this info from a Amazon rep that came to my school and I got to grill with 100trillion questions for half an hour.)
- "You can invent your way out of any box." Don't accept either or thinking, always search for the answer to a problem.
- Creat an inventive culture.

3. Think Long-Term
 - Being able to do this gives your business a huge competitive anvantage over companies who can not.

4. It's always day #1
I agree Jeffro. One of my ways of thinking is that "every passing moment is another oppurtunity to turn it all around." Right Penelope Cruz? Wow she is too cute with that accent in Vanilla Sky, isn't she?


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